Southside Kids


Each summer our church hosts a Vacation Bible School that shares the gospel with hundreds of children by way of a program that includes Bible lessons, games, crafts, food, missions, music, a worship rally.

Children's Church

Each Sunday morning we dismiss children Kindergarten through 2nd grade halfway through the worship service so that they can have their own kid-friendly program in the Family Life Center for the remainder of the worship hour. They have a Bible lesson, play games, and sing songs.


Our church nursery is open just about every time we have something going on here at the church. We usually have a bed babies’ class, a class for 1-2 year olds, and a class for 3-4 year olds.

Mid Week Southside Kids

Southside Kids is our Wednesday night program for children 3 years old through the 5th grade. Each Wednesday night during the school year they meet for an assembly time, game time, food time, book time, and council time.

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